Do items ship separately?
Yes, sometimes we ship our items from multiple facilities.
Yes, sometimes we ship our items from multiple facilities.
If your tracking shows “No results” that likely means your order has recently been shipped and will scan in its first update within 36-48 hours.
Sometimes a package will be marked as delivered before it actually is. That being said, we recommend waiting 2-3 days after the last status update.
There might be different reasons, for example, refused orders, unclaimed orders, etc.
Shipping charges do not include any import tax, duties, or customs and clearance fees which may be levied once your shipment reaches your country and we are not responsible for these fees.
If your order is delayed it may be held in customs for processing and take up to six weeks to arrive.
As of Dec 1st, 2024 all orders into Canada may experience delays in transit due to the ongoing Canada Post strike